6 thoughts on “Ready RMAN Backup Script To Schedule from Crontab”

  1. This depends on how much time the backup will take, backup storage cost/license and how critical the DB is and it's Service Level Agreement (SLA).

    In general, For the DBs that take less than 2 hours to fully backup, I prefer to have a daily Incremental 0 backup and archivelog backup every 1-4 hours (depends on the SLA's).

    For the DBs that takes longer than 2 hours for a full backup I prefer the following:
    – Incremental 0 backup once a week.
    – Incremental 1 backup every day.
    – Archivelogs backup every 4 hours.

    I always prefer keeping the archivelogs on disk for at least 24 hours, UNDO RETENTION from 6 to 24 hours and keep FLASHBACK ON as possible.

  2. Hi Sam,
    Honestly I would like to make the script compatible with tape backup but this is very difficult to accomplish, because every Media Management software has it own unique parameters that need to be passed to the script. e.g. here are the parameters that are need for one Media Management software "HPDP"
    parms 'SBT_LIBRARY=xxxx
    send channel 'ch1' 'OB2BARTYPE=xxxx';
    send channel 'ch1' 'OB2APPNAME=xxxx'
    send channel 'ch1' 'OB2BARLIST=xxxx;

    It's almost impossible for me to speculate the right parameters for each Media Management software, because they are a lot, moreover many of these parameters values are being changed based on how the Media Management software (either Server or Client) been set up; each environment has its own specific settings.

    I believe it's better to leave the user to change the channel parameters himself in case he/she wants to back up to a tape.

  3. Hi Mahmmoud , Thanks for the feedback . you dont need to make any fixed parameters for tape , its just a parameter if its tape backup let the user define the channel | env parameters manually like $ORACLE_SID , $ORACLE_HOME … etc

    and how about the incremental backup option ?

    thanks for your support.


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