95 thoughts on “Oracle Database Health Check Script”

  1. This is agreat script but i have this error when run script.
    [oracle@fcsdb DBA_BUNDLE2]$ sh dbdailychk.sh
    df: `/root/.gvfs': Permission denied
    df: `/root/.gvfs': Permission denied

    Can u help me fix it ?

  2. Well, the fastest solution for this error is to ignore it 🙂
    This error will not affect the filesystem monitoring function inside the script.

    In case you don't like to see this error, you can easily replace "df -h" command inside the script with "df -hx fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon"

    For further help, please let me know.
    Mahmmoud ADEL

  3. bash-3.2$ ./dbdailychk.sh
    chown: /export/home/oratest/BUNDLE_Logs: Not owner
    chown: alert_test_new.log: Not owner
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 267: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 293: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 305: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 316: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 390: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    cat: cannot open /export/home/oratest/BUNDLE_Logs/tablespaces_DBA_BUNDLE.log
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 400: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 423: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 424: /export/home/oratest/BUNDLE_Logs/blocking_sessions.log: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 437: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 439: [: -ge: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 465: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 467: [: -ge: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 505: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 507: [: -ge: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 546: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 548: [: -ge: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 614: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 616: [: -ge: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 643: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 645: [: -ge: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 696: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 706: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 715: [: -gt: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 1020: /bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory

  4. Taner,
    Most probably the script cannot get your ORACLE_HOME, because there is no record for it in /etc/oratab file. In this case, I suggest you to explicitly export your ORACLE_HOME in the VARIABLES section, so it will be like this:

    # #########################
    # Variables:
    # #########################
    export ORACLE_HOME=

  5. I am not able to run..My os is HP-UX. I had replaced the email id and am getting below error.

    Please EDIT line# 51 in dbdailychk.sh script and change
    myself@@gmail.com to your E-mail address.

    Script Terminated !

    Please suggest where is the issue??

  6. Thanks for passing by.

    Although this script is not tested on HP-UX environment, but you shouldn't modify this line:
    case ${MAIL_LIST} in "myself@gmail.com")

    In order to make the script work for you, you have to modify it like this:

    case ${MAIL_LIST} in "youremail@yourcompany.com")

  7. Thanks for your question.
    Actually instance based checks like: DATABASES/LISTENERS ALERTLOGS, CPU/FILESYSTEM UTILIZATION will not run on all nodes. It will just run against the local node. The rest of checks are running against the database which doesn't matter whether it's a RAC DB or not.

    Honestly speaking, On my production RAC environments, I run the health check script dbdailychk.sh on one node only. Because I'm already scheduling dbalarm script to run every 5 minutes on each node in order to report other issues at the nearest time.

    You can download dbalarm script from this post:

  8. Thanks OraDetector for that suggestion.
    I've already added RAC support feature to this script and included your nick name in the feature description.

    Added checking RAC status feature. [Recommended by: OraDetector]

    I wonder if you can send me your name so I can update the description with your good name.

  9. I am trying to run in Oracle Linux and get below error. when i run it directly, it succeeds. can you suggest what could be the issue?
    ++ /mnt/u01/app/oracle/product/ -S '/ as sysdba'
    + VAL1='
    SELECT name from v$database
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
    Process ID: 0
    Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0'

  10. Seems the script didn't manage to pick up the right ORACLE_SID on your environment. Honestly don't know the reason why without having a live look. but as a dirty fix you can export the right ORACLE_SID inside the script by doing the following:

    Replace this block:

    # #########################
    # Setting ORACLE_SID:
    # #########################
    for ORACLE_SID in $( ps -ef|grep pmon|grep -v grep|egrep -v ${EXL_DB}|awk '{print $NF}'|sed -e 's/ora_pmon_//g'|grep -v sed|grep -v "s///g" )
    export ORACLE_SID

    With this block:

    # #########################
    # Setting ORACLE_SID:
    # #########################
    export ORACLE_SID

    … So YOUR_GOOD_ORACLE_SID will be replaced with the right ORACLE_SID
    for ORACLE_SID in ERPDB1

    Also it will give more clear picture if you can provide me with the output of this command:
    ps -ef|grep pmon

  11. Sir I had this problem:
    Active Incidents:
    ERROR at line 2:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    This view V$DIAG_PROBLEM not exist.

  12. How this script actually performs on RAC (two node)? Having this entries in /etc/oratab on node 1(I've added comments for every entry just here, not really in oratab 🙂 ):

    -MGMTDB:/u01/app/ – ok, excluded in EXL_DB
    +ASM1:/u01/app/ – ok, excluded in EXL_DB
    dwhcdb:/u01/app/oracle/product/ – db_unique_name – added by installer
    dwhcdb1:/u01/app/oracle/product/ – instance_name – added manually by dba

    When i run dbalert.sh on that node, i got email with message that "dwhcdb1" is down, but that is false:

    The Following Instances are POSSIBLY Down on [*hostname removed by me] :

    If above instances are permanently offline, please add their names to 'EXL_DB' parameter at line# 90 or hash their entries in /etc/oratab to let the script ignore them in the next run.

    Current Running Instances:
    oracle 44402 1 0 Mar23 ? 00:00:58 asm_pmon_+ASM1
    oracle 155269 1 0 Mar23 ? 00:01:16 ora_pmon_dwhcdb1

    —————- ———— —————– ———- ——- ——————-
    dwhcdb1 OPEN ACTIVE ALLOWED NO 23-MAR-17 08:39:36

    Thank you for sharing this set of dba scripts – great job!

  13. also got error on scriptexecution for nfs mounted filesystem:

    ./dbalarm.sh: line 125: [: 192.168.xx.xx:/nfs/Backup: integer expression expected


  14. Thanks Adil for adding my Name to the description of your script

    my name is : Samer ALJazzar

    for some reason the AWK block for CRS check hangs for ever , i think its a syntax issue i'm not able to figure it out

    thanks and regards,

  15. Hi Ivan,
    Thanks for passing by. As this DB is a RAC one, you will need to do one of the following:
    – Include the DB_NAME in the EXL_DB parameter inside the script e.g.:
    – Hash out the oratab entry which refers to the DB_NAME (not the instance name) e.g.:
    #dwhcdb:/u01/app/oracle/product/ – db_unique_name – added by installer

  16. Hi Samer,
    Thanks for your update. I'll update your good name inside the script once I publish the new release.
    May I ask what is the Linux version you are trying to run the script on?

  17. Hi Mahmmud,

    Regarding my rac db – still cannot configure dbalarm script to work properly. If i include DB_NAME (dwhcdb) in EXL_DB list and hash out DB_NAME in oratab, script exits on "Getting ORACLE_SID" block and alert mail is sent:

    ALARM: No Databases Are Running on Server: myserver !!!

    and mail body:
    Current running INSTANCES on server [myserver]:
    oracle 44402 1 0 Mar23 ? 00:03:05 asm_pmon_+ASM1
    oracle 159940 1 0 Apr12 ? 00:00:56 ora_pmon_dwhcdb1

    Current running LISTENERS on server [myserver]:
    oracle 55774 1 0 Mar23 ? 00:01:28 /u01/app/ LISTENER -no_crs_notify -inherit
    oracle 55813 1 0 Mar23 ? 00:01:24 /u01/app/ LISTENER_SCAN1 -inherit

    Tnx for helping,

  18. Hi,
    Script is really impressive 🙂 and I am going to use it. I did some simple modifications. However I am still getting an errors like:
    ./dbreport.sh: line 1: :set: command not found
    ./dbreport.sh: line 889: [: 65,3127083: integer expression expected
    ./dbreport.sh: line 889: [: 92,4768884: integer expression expected
    ./dbreport.sh: line 889: [: 1,83010189: integer expression expected
    ./dbreport.sh: line 889: [: 95,3972318: integer expression expected
    ./dbreport.sh: line 889: [: ,1: integer expression expected
    ./dbreport.sh: line 889: [: 96,2540417: integer expression expected
    ./dbreport.sh: line 889: [: 73,8235938: integer expression expected
    ./dbreport.sh: line 889: [: 30,0611055: integer expression expected
    ./dbreport.sh: line 889: [: ,003051759: integer expression expected
    ./dbreport.sh: line 909: [: selected.: integer expression expected

    I tried to use round functions and few other solutions but it seems to be a different problem. Anybody has any idea, what is wrong ?

    Thanks and Best Regards
    humble oracle dba

  19. I can see from the list of errors that you have errors starting from line number 1, of course the script should be impressive in this way :-))
    Actually I've know idea what kind of updates you have done to the script, and thus I'll not be able to tell what went wrong. If you don't mind, send a copy of your script after the modification and I'll try to have a look into it.

    Mahmmoud ADEL

  20. Hi Mahmmoud,

    Thank you for quick answer. I appreciate :).

    1. Everywhere where is ps -ef|grep pmon i added "| grep caalbtb", to find only this database name.


    for ORACLE_SID in $( ps -ef|grep pmon|grep caalbtb|grep -v grep|egrep -v ${EXL_DB}|awk '{print $NF}'|sed -e 's/ora_pmon_//g'|grep -v sed|grep -v "s///g" )

    2. And changed the oratab "/oracle/home/zw/oratab" to my own including only one database name caalbtb

    last errors:

    oracle@caredbs28:caalbdb$ ./dbalarm.sh
    ./dbalarm.sh: line 900: [: 65,3127083: integer expression expected
    ./dbalarm.sh: line 900: [: 92,4768884: integer expression expected
    ./dbalarm.sh: line 900: [: 1,82972042: integer expression expected
    ./dbalarm.sh: line 900: [: 95,3972318: integer expression expected
    ./dbalarm.sh: line 900: [: ,1: integer expression expected
    ./dbalarm.sh: line 900: [: 96,2540417: integer expression expected
    ./dbalarm.sh: line 900: [: 73,8235938: integer expression expected
    ./dbalarm.sh: line 900: [: 30,037208: integer expression expected
    ./dbalarm.sh: line 900: [: ,003051759: integer expression expected
    ./dbalarm.sh: line 920: [: selected.: integer expression expected

    Script was too long to attach it :(.

    Many Thanks and Best Regards
    humble oracle dba

  21. Well, generally speaking, you will get that error when the variable value which is getting used in "if" or "case" condition is a float value "xx.xx", not an integer "xx".

    e.g. In case, the variable value during the script execution will be 65.3 you will get above error, and thus you have to convert that float 65.3 to an integer number 65 to get rid of ".3" to be able to use that variable inside "if" and "case" conditions. in order to do so you have to use the following:


    $ VAR1=65.3
    $ INTEGER_VAR1=${VAR1%.*}

    $echo $INTEGER_VAR1

    I hope I have clearly explained it. This is why I hate math 🙂

  22. Hi Adel,

    I'm getting the below error and observed that the issue is happening for multiple Instances having different owners.

    mkdir: `/home/oraem12c/BUNDLE_Logs': Permission denied
    chown: cannot access `/home/oraem12c/BUNDLE_Logs': Permission denied
    chmod: cannot access `/home/oraem12c/BUNDLE_Logs': Permission denied
    chown: changing ownership of `/tmp/BUNDLE_Logs/audit_records.log': Operation not permitted
    chown: changing ownership of `/tmp/BUNDLE_Logs/CATDB_HEALTH_CHECK_REPORT.log': Operation not permitted
    chown: changing ownership of `/tmp/BUNDLE_Logs': Operation not permitted
    grep: /home/oraem12c/.bash*: Permission denied
    grep: /home/oraem12c/.*profile: Permission denied

    Need to modify the script in USR_ORA_HOME should have privileges to access all the Instance owners.

    I'm trying to troubleshoot and let me know if you have any fix already applied.

  23. Honestly, I didn't consider this case during the script design (multiple databases running from different Oracle Homes each Oracle Home is owned by different user). But you can workaround this situation by running different versions of this script on each user's crontab, but make sure you exclude other instances owned by other users.

    In order to run the script against database [EMCC] which is owned by [oraem12c] user and to avoid running it against [CATDB] database which owned by user [oracle], change the following line for the script which will run with user [oraem12c]:

    And vice versa when you run the script with user [oracle]:

    So you will have a script for each user excludes other users databases. No permissions got changed, and thus auditors should be happy.

  24. Hi Mahmmoud :

    Seen very less people like u.

    Please help me resolve the issue in script.

    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 216: bc: command not found
    10557: Permission denied
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 460: [: too many arguments
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 468: [: too many arguments
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 476: [: too many arguments
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 535: ORACLE_PATH=.:/oracle_home/app/dba_scripts/sql:/oracle_home/app/12.2.0/orahome/rdbms/admin: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 544: [: too many arguments
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 560: ORACLE_PATH=.:/oracle_home/app/dba_scripts/sql:/oracle_home/app/12.2.0/orahome/rdbms/admin: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 580: ORACLE_PATH=.:/oracle_home/app/dba_scripts/sql:/oracle_home/app/12.2.0/orahome/rdbms/admin: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 593: ORACLE_PATH=.:/oracle_home/app/dba_scripts/sql:/oracle_home/app/12.2.0/orahome/rdbms/admin: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 606: ORACLE_PATH=.:/oracle_home/app/dba_scripts/sql:/oracle_home/app/12.2.0/orahome/rdbms/admin: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 624: ORACLE_PATH=.:/oracle_home/app/dba_scripts/sql:/oracle_home/app/12.2.0/orahome/rdbms/admin: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 626: [: -ge: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 671: ORACLE_PATH=.:/oracle_home/app/dba_scripts/sql:/oracle_home/app/12.2.0/orahome/rdbms/admin: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 673: [: -ge: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 819: [: too many arguments
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 846: [: -gt: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 1298: ORACLE_PATH=.:/oracle_home/app/dba_scripts/sql:/oracle_home/app/12.2.0/orahome/rdbms/admin: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 1300: [: -ge: unary operator expected
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 1342: ORACLE_PATH=.:/oracle_home/app/dba_scripts/sql:/oracle_home/app/12.2.0/orahome/rdbms/admin: No such file or directory
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 1344: [: -ge: unary operator expected

    [oracle@n2vl-td-kyc13 ~]$ send-mail: warning: inet_protocols: disabling IPv6 name/address support: Address family not supported by protocol
    postdrop: warning: inet_protocols: disabling IPv6 name/address support: Address family not supported by protocol
    [oracle@n2vl-td-kyc13 ~]$

  25. Thanks for passing by. Looks you got a bunch of errors!. But I can see the script didn't manage to to set the right ORACLE_HOME during its execution. So I would recommend you to set it manually inside the script just below the variables section.

    # #########################
    # Variables:
    # #########################
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/…

    Regarding the other "send-mail" error, you may need to read the solution in this post:

  26. Thnak for your reply. I have set oracle home. Now few errors.

    [oracle@n2vl-td-kyc13 DBA_BUNDLE2]$ ./dbdailychk.sh
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 148: bc: command not found
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 1350: /bin/lsnrctl: No such file or directory
    tail: cannot open '/trace/-no_crs_notify.log' for reading: No such file or directory
    grep: invalid option — '_'
    Usage: grep [OPTION]… PATTERN [FILE]…
    Try 'grep –help' for more information.
    ./dbdailychk.sh: line 1350: /bin/lsnrctl: No such file or directory
    tail: cannot open '/trace/-no_crs_notify.log' for reading: No such file or directory
    [oracle@n2vl-td-kyc13 DBA_BUNDLE2]$

  27. Hi Mac,

    You're using a very old version of dbdailychk script which is under DBA_BUNDLE version 2, the latest release is now 4.1, kindly download it from this post:

    Every month a new release of DBA Bundle get released with new features and bug fixes.

    In case the script still giving the same error, kindly export your ORACLE_HOME as shown in my last comment, and keep me updated in case you get any errors.

  28. Hello Adel,

    Is it possible to provide Top 10 fragmented tables and inactive session count with threshold limit for the Oracle version 11g in RHEL 6.5 Version?

    Thanks in advance.

  29. Hello Adel,

    I have not tested your script. But looking at the script shows the effort you put in putting this together. Excellent work. I have one question about handling the ORACLE HOME for 12.2 as they do not have the oratab entries due to the Flex ASM feature.

    I plan to test this on Linux. Will give it a try and let you know if I see any issues.


  30. Ideally, this not supposed to make any problem. The script will determine the right ORACLE_HOME using different ways one of them is by checking /etc/oratab, in case, ORACLE_HOME information is not available in oratab the script will look go through other methods to get it.
    But rule number 1, as you already mentioned, the script should be tested on a similar test environment before it gets deployed on production.

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  32. Well, the short answer it will not work with this script, as it's mainly dependant on OS authentication to connect in a passwordless fashion to the local DBs on the same server.

  33. I have executed the script,but its not showing db_name , db_status(up/down), listner_name, listener_status(up /down), OS files system.

  34. Hi Mahmmoud,

    I am getting below error while executing the script:

    bash: $'r': command not found
    bash: dbdailychk.sh line 102: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
    'bash: dbdailychk.sh line 102: ` echo ;;

    My OS version is Linux el7 64 bit.

    Please help me in this


  35. Hi Sanket,

    Most probably something went wrong when you copied the script to your machine. Bad character, lost character! Try to re-copy the script again and compare it with the GitHub version shown at the bottom of the post.

  36. Hi Sanket,
    Looks the script is failing in the first "case" block, let's troubleshoot it by replacing the following "case" block:

    case ${MAIL_LIST} in "youremail@yourcompany.com")
    echo "##############################################################################################"
    echo "You Missed Something :-)"
    echo "In order to receive the HEALTH CHECK report via Email, you have to ADD your E-mail at line# 90"
    echo "by replacing this template [youremail@yourcompany.com] with YOUR E-mail address."
    echo "DB HEALTH CHECK report will be saved on disk…"
    echo "##############################################################################################"
    export SQLLINESIZE=165
    *) export SQLLINESIZE=200

    With this line:

    export SQLLINESIZE=200

    In case it's still throwing errors and I guess it will do so 🙂 , I would recommend to have a remote session with you, as I think there is something unique in your environment causing this error. Please email me on mahmmoudadel@hotmail.com

  37. Hi mahmmoud,

    Even after changing the CASE block, error persists. I have sent you an email on your personal id as well, please let me know your preferable time for remote session.


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  39. Sometimes the email report size comes larger than 5mb and get blocked by the exchange, any idea how to control the report size?

    Thanks, Amit

  40. Then you can disable a few advisors outputs, which make the email size go big.
    I recommend you to start with disabling showing of the following advisor (SQL Tuning Advisor & Segment Advisor) results in the report by setting their flag in THRESHOLD section to N:

    # #########################
    # #########################
    # Modify the THRESHOLDS to the value you prefer:

    Some databases have a huge number of audit records and you may not have a need to look into it on a daily basis so you can disable showing audit records in the report by setting its flag in THRESHOLD section to N:


    As you can see you can easily control the data appear in the report by playing with the values in the THRESHOLD section, but first, read the control comment carefully before editing.

  41. I have a problem with copying the bundle tar file between the servers because the route "including sftp" is blocked. can you suggest a away can over come this situation?

  42. In case you cannot copy the tar file between servers:

    1- convert the tar file to binary text file using this command:
    od -An -vtx1 DBA_BUNDLE5.tar > DBA_BUNDLE5.txt

    2- create an empty file called DBA_BUNDLE5.txt on the target server.

    3- Copy the content of DBA_BUNDLE5.txt from the source server and paste it to the target server DBA_BUNDLE5.txt, you may end up with copying 60k rows or more, so try to make the session buffer big enough to let you copy all the contents to the clipboard in one go, it's an option called "lines of scrollback" in Putty set it to 70000 or more.

    4- Convert the text binary file on the destination server to a tar file:
    LC_ALL=C tr -cd 0-9a-fA-F < DBA_BUNDLE5.txt | xxd -r -p > DBA_BUNDLE5.tar

    Done your tar file is ready.

  43. Hi Adel, Thanks for this script. I'm modifying script to pass my username and password as I don't have sysdba priviege yet…but can you tell me how long will the execution of this script will take in Non-Prod environment.Here I have cluster setup but not RAC and I'm ignoring other instances as I'm just trying to run it on only one instance.
    Thanks in advance 🙂

  44. Hi Vageeha,
    The script ideally takes less than a minute to run. You can ignore the instances you don't want the script to run against by feeding them to EXL_DB parameter at line# 150. i.e. in case you want the script to ignore "SALES" and "hr" instances you can modify the parameter like this:

  45. Hi Adel,
    Thanks for your reply previously.My script is 99% done for my usage but i am trying to reduce my space between two topics for example,in your output space is high above queries running for more than an hour i hope you understand this and guide me how can i reduce or increase it as i wish.
    Thanks again 🙂

  46. Hi Adel,
    Sorry i missed this point in my previous post… incase if we don't have output for any check can we say it with no rows selected or something instead of leaving it blank?
    Thank you!

  47. Hi Vageetha,
    In order to adjust the time of long running queries to be reported you have to change the following line# 1327:
    last_call_et/60/60 "DURATION_HOURS"

    let's say you want to report the queries that run for more than 30 min "instead of 60min) you adjust that line like this:
    last_call_et/30/60 "DURATION_HOURS"

    and so on …
    But if you really interested in getting long running queries to be reported in a real time you have to use this script instead:

    where you can easily adjust the time in the threshold parameter section:
    EXEC_TIME_IN_MINUTES=60 # Report Sessions running longer than N minutes [Default is 60 minutes].

    Don't forget to provide your Email to this parameter:

    and schedule it in the crontab to run let's say every 5 minutes */5

    Why I'm not recommending you to use use DB Health Check script for this purpose, because it supposed to run only one time a day due to its overhead on the DB.

    Regarding the Blank output in the report, this means the feature is not being used in your database. i.e. if FRA section showing No Rows Selected this means you are not using Flash Recovery Area in your DB. same thing for the Advisors and other blank output if found.

  48. Hi Adel,

    How can we run this script if we are not able to sudo to ora or oracle user?

    Due to contractual obligation i would not be able to run it with ora,oracle, grid or root user as i can sudo to them. I have my os id created where i have dba privileges and generally do all the stuff using that only.

    Could you please help me in running your wonderful script for my environment?

    Sanket D

  49. Fantastic! I need you to do two things:

    1- Open the script, under "Getting ORACLE_HOME" section, Replace this line:
    USR_ORA_HOME=`grep -i "^${ORA_USER}:" /etc/passwd| cut -f6 -d ':'|tail -1`

    With this line:

    2- Under your Linux User ID set ORACLE_HOME variable to the right path of ORACLE_HOME on that server:

    i.e. "suppose that your ORACLE_HOME location is: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1"

    # vi ~/.bash_profile

    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

    In case it's still failing, please paste the error message as well.

  50. One more thing … i have multiple oracle homes for multiple db's e.g. 11g has different and 12c has different in that case, do i have to export it one by one? or how it can be handled?

  51. The script hang in this stage when running it for the first time:

    [Grid Infrastructure Setup Detected] Locating Grid Infrastructure ALERTLOG …

    What is the problem?

  52. This is applicable to dbalarm script, I've already replied on the dbalarm post:
    "cancel the current execution by pressing Ctrl+c
    And execute the script again, you shouldn't face this issue again."

  53. Wow!!!! WoW!!!! can't believe, The script is worked as mentioned. And really saved our 1 hr time for spending everyday manual healthcheck.

    Really appreciate your effort on this.

  54. hi Mahmmoud, happy new year, you re doing a good job i must confess. this script will be wonderful and will also save me alot of time. i have tested it on test environment. but i was having some challenges: i have sent you an e-mail already but let me past my out here:


    Resource_Name State
    ————————————- ———————
    ora.DATA.dg ONLINE on devdbr19
    ora.FRA.dg ONLINE on devdbr19
    ora.LISTENER.lsnr INTERMEDIATE on devdbr19
    ora.RECO1.dg ONLINE on devdbr19
    ora.RECO2.dg ONLINE on devdbr19
    ora.asm ONLINE on devdbr19
    ora.cssd ONLINE on devdbr19
    ora.evmd ONLINE on devdbr19
    ora.r19uatdb.db ONLINE on devdbr19
    ora.t24live.db INTERMEDIATE on devdbr19

    PRCD-1120 : The resource for database identifier could not be found.
    PRCR-1001 : Resource ora.identifier.db does not exist

    oraprod 39452964 1 0 Dec 27 – 0:26 ora_pmon_T24LIVE
    gridprod 19661670 1 0 Nov 29 – 0:26 asm_pmon_+ASM
    oraprod 38404990 1 0 Dec 20 – 1:45 ora_pmon_R19UATDB

    gridprod 44368404 1 0 Oct 05 – 19:17 /u01/app/grid/product/19.3.0/grid/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit


    Tablespaces Size

    SP2-0158: unknown SET option "text/css">"
    SP2-0552: Bind variable "AUTO" not declared.

    SP2-0158: unknown SET option "text/css">"
    SP2-0552: Bind variable "AUTO" not declared.

    SP2-0158: unknown SET option "text/css">"

    SP2-0158: unknown SET option "text/css">"
    SP2-0552: Bind variable "AUTO" not declared.

    SP2-0158: unknown SET option "text/css">"
    select * from v$flash_recovery_area_usage * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01507: database not mounted

    SP2-0158: unknown SET option "text/css">"
    SP2-0158: unknown SET option "text/css">"
    from DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT) b * ERROR at line 19: ORA-06550: line 19, column 18: PL/SQL: ORA-01219: database or pluggable database not open: queries allowed on fixed tables or views only ORA-06550: line 7, column 13: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 22, column 63: PL/SQL: ORA-01219: database or pluggable database not open: queries allowed on fixed tables or views only ORA-06550: line 22, column 5: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 23, column 47: PL/SQL: ORA-01219: database or pluggable database not open: queries allowed on fixed tables or views only ORA-06550: line 23, column 5: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 25, column 27: PLS-00201: identifier 'SNAP_TIME Database Size(GB)' must be declared ORA-06550: line 25, column 5: PL/SQL: Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 27, column 42: PLS-00364: loop index variable 'ROW' use is invalid ORA-06550: line 27, column 13: PL/SQL: Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 28, column 30: PLS-00364: loop index variable 'ROW' use is invalid ORA-06550: line 28, column 9: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Active Incidents

  55. thanks for your response here. initially, when I ran the script, the OS report came out fine but the Database checks all came out with error:
    SP2-0158: unknown SET option “text/css”>”
    SP2-0552: Bind variable “AUTO” not declared

  56. Then, I removed from the script, then some of the database check metrics came out but some did not with only error SP2-0552: Bind variable “AUTO” not declared. What do I need to do to mitigate against this error, as it seems it is working on AIX, you have done a great work already

  57. Would you mind running the following code piece by oracle user from the shell, and let me know the output:

    ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba" <<EOF
    select platform_name,CDB from v$database;

  58. i have to follow it like this:

    bash-5.0$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    bash-5.0$ sqlplus -S "/ as sysdba" < prompt
    > select platform_name,CDB from v$database;
    > exit
    > EOF


    AIX-Based Systems (64-bit)

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