5 thoughts on “360 Degree Database Server Monitoring Script For Oracle”

  1. The script is supposed to run by oracle user who is supposed has no access to /var/log/messages, Yes I agree dmesg will not capture everything but it will give a great overview of what's going on on the system as the first point of troubleshooting.

  2. Got your point, it works fine, but I guess you missed memory and network monitoring. okay for memory it used to go haywire on linux but if you consider network monitoring in the script that will be helpful.

  3. Yes this is the reason I didn't consider memory monitoring in this script, Linux keep caching lots of stuff to keep utilizing most of it, and this behavior goes radical if a database is running.
    For Network monitoring, the script monitors network error statistics only when it correlate with a database/client network error i.e. when a TIME OUT error get reported whether in DB or listener alert log, the alerting email will contains Network details of dropped packets on all NIC cards on the server in the last 15miuntes.

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