21 thoughts on “Oracle Database Monitoring Script”

  1. Hi, I'm using your script. But ORA errors that get through the mail can not read.For example: ORA-01110: ТЮИК ДЮММШУ 228.

  2. Hi Hari,
    Actually I didn't test this script on an AIX environment, so I cannot give you an answer, but I've a doubt that all the functions inside the script will work there.

  3. Is it possible to sent alert for RMAN failure as below :


  4. Hi Rahul,

    Thanks for your suggestion. Today I'll be publishing a new release of the script including your suggestion.

    15-10-18 Added RMAN Backup Failure Check. [Recommended by Rahul Malode]

  5. hello,
    service monitoring feature looks not working with me, in the script I've updated SERVICEMON parameter to:
    SERVICEMON="SUPPORT_SERVICE" but whenever SUPPORT_SERVICE goes down I don't get an alert.

  6. The last version which send the alerts in html is not working on my servers. no errors but I'm not receiving the emails, any idea?

  7. I doubt that your SMTP server is blocking the Emails that include HTML content. Please check first with your Network team, if that was the case then you can revert back to the TEXT format by setting the following option "HTMLENABLE" under THRESHOLD section to "N" like this:

    # #########################
    # #########################
    # Modify the THRESHOLDS to the value you prefer:

    HTMLENABLE=N # Enable HTML Email Format [DB]


  8. Hi,
    I am getting some error on below line. Database is running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo). Appreciate your help in this.

    # Getting Utilized CPU (100-%IDLE):
    CPU_UTL_FLOAT=`echo "scale=2; 100-($CPU_IDLE)"|bc`

  9. Hi Abdul,

    Inside the script please replace line 334:

    CPU_UTL_FLOAT=`echo "scale=2; 100-($CPU_IDLE)"|bc`

    with this line:

    CPU_UTL_FLOAT=`awk "BEGIN {print 100-($CPU_IDLE)}"`

  10. The script hang in this stage when running it for the first time:

    [Grid Infrastructure Setup Detected] Locating Grid Infrastructure ALERTLOG …

    What is the problem?

  11. Able to copy the script, thank you. However, facing many errors as it is not picking up the email id – line 70 , not picking the environment from .bash_profile (FYI – i am running on 12.2.1) etc. Is there anyway to discuss one to one with you.

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