OPATCHAUTO-72083: Performing bootstrap operations failed OPATCHAUTO-72146: Failed to load patch

Problem:While patching 19.3 GRID_HOME with July2019 RU patch 19.4 I got this error: [root@fzppon06vs1n bin]#  export PATCH_LOCATION=/u01/oracle/RU_PATCHES/29708769[root@fzppon06vs1n bin]# $GRID_HOME/OPatch/opatchauto apply $PATCH_LOCATION -oh $GRID_HOMEOPatchauto session is initiated at Mon Sep  9 11:00:57 2019OPATCHAUTO-72083: Performing bootstrap operations failed.OPATCHAUTO-72083: The bootstrap execution failed because OPATCHAUTO-72146: Failed to load patchOPATCHAUTO-72146: Failed while collecting patch information for patch /u01/oracle/RU_PATCHES/29708769.OPATCHAUTO-72146: Check […]

Prerequisite check “CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables” failed

Problem:While patching the GRID INFRASTRUCTURE home with July2019 RU patch I got this error: [root@fzppon06vs1n 29708769]# $GRID_HOME/OPatch/opatchauto apply $PATCH_LOCATION -oh $GRID_HOMEOPatchauto session is initiated at Mon Sep  9 11:14:23 2019System initialization log file is /u01/grid/ log file is /u01/grid/ id for this session is TV9UExecuting OPatch prereq operations to verify patch applicability on home /u01/grid/ […]

RMAN-05502: the target database must be mounted when issuing a DUPLICATE command

Problem: While restoring a Non-Production DB from RMAN backup using Duplicate method , I received this error: RMAN-05502: the target database must be mounted when issuing a DUPLICATE command Here is the RMAN script I was using: # export ORACLE_SID=pssp # rman AUXILIARY / RMAN>  run { ALLOCATE AUXILIARY CHANNEL ch1  DEVICE TYPE DISK; ALLOCATE […]

Grid Infrastructure Fail With Error “Failed to create keys in the OLR”

During the installation of Grid Infrastructure Clusterware on OEL 6.6 failed with the following error: [root]# /u01/12.1.0/grid/ Performing root user operation. The following environment variables are set as: ORACLE_OWNER= grid ORACLE_HOME= /u01/12.1.0/grid Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]: Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin … Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin … Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin … Creating /etc/oratab file… Entries will be […]


What is ORADEBUG: ORADEBUG is a debugger tool, can be used for (tracing any session, dump DB memory structure, suspend/resume a session and the most useful use is to analyze the hang when an instance is hanging by creating a report shows the blocked/blocker sessions). How to use ORADEBUG: If you are lazy to do […]

Sharing the Same Read Only Tablespace between Multiple Databases

The Theory: Separate databases can share the same read only datafiles on disk. The datafiles must be accessible by all databases. The Method: This will be implemented using transportable tablespaces. Note: The Shared tablespace must remain read-only in all databases mounting it. The Way: -The Shared read only Tablespace is already belongs to a database […]