I’ve introduced a new mode called “Paranoid” mode to the dbalarm script (which is used to monitor the Oracle database and listener logs along with monitoring locks, Space, and other events). When the paranoid mode gets enabled, the script will monitor the following additional activities/events on the Oracle database: – EXPORT/IMPORT activities whenever they start. […]
Gather Statistics Shell Script Can Now Run In nohup Mode | Oracle On Linux
I’ve re-coded the gather statistics shell script for Oracle to run in nohup mode by default, thereby allowing the DBA to close the session without interrupting the gather statistics operation. Script download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fku4hf082xah1bm/gather_stats.sh?dl=0 For more details on how to use the script, please visit the original post: http://dba-tips.blogspot.com/2014/09/script-to-ease-gathering-statistics-on.html And here is the GitHub version:
Shell Script To Monitor Long Running Queries In Oracle
Monitoring long-running queries is part of the early warning mechanism for the performanceissues on the database before it gets exaggerated If you’re running Oracle on Linux, then this script is for you.Download link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/yh6k3r7q3p876h0/report_long_runing_queries.sh?dl=0 The script is easy to use, it will run against all instances on the server reporting any active sessions/query for more than […]
Oracle Database Health Check Report In HTML Format
Update: This post is considered obsolete, the main script can now send the report in either HTML/TEXT format, please refer to the original post: http://dba-tips.blogspot.com/2015/05/oracle-database-health-check-script.html If you don’t have “sendmail” package installed on your Linux OS then this post will help you out. I’ve got numerous requests asking to make the original health check report script […]
Shell Script To Monitor/Check The Lag/Sync Status Between Primary And Standby Oracle Database
Script Description:This Linux shell script runs from the PRIMARY DB server to monitor and checks the lag/synchronization status between Primary and Standby Oracle DBs and reports the lag [if happened] to the user. Download the script:https://www.dropbox.com/s/a9k3rn928vj3ooc/check_standby_lag.sh?dl=0 How to use the script:Unfortunately, this script will not work unless you manually modify the variables’ values in brown […]
RMAN Backup Shell Script for Oracle
This hassle free RMAN backup Shell script helps the DBA to take an on-demand self-contained & consistent RMAN backup for Oracle database resides on Linux OS. It will help to easily specify the number of channels, select backup options (Compression/Encryption) and then it will run in the background in nohup mode. Script download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l3g17oxz6j56cdz/RMAN_full.sh?dl=0 How […]
Script to delete applied archivelogs on a STANDBY database
This script is designed to run against STANDBY databases to deleted applied archives older than specific number of hours defined by the user. It maintains that un-applied archives remain un-touched. Download the script: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xx5o6b94rv5ps30/delete_applied_archives_on_standby.sh?dl=0 How to use the script: ⏩ Set MAIL_LIST variable to your E-mail to receive an email alert if archives are not […]
Configuration Baseline Collector Script For Linux OS & Oracle Databases
Have you ever performed a change on your OS or DB and later you figured out that you need to revert back to the previous setting but you struggled a lot to do so?It happened to me before! but the good lesson I’ve learned was to keep a configuration baseline for all important settings and […]
Oracle Database Health Check Script
Do you want to receive an email report summarize the health status of your all databases running on the same server? dbdailychk.sh script will do the job for you, it performs the following health checks each time it runs against all up & running instances on the server and sends you an E-mail report with the […]
Gather Statistics Script
The following script will backup the current statistics and gather a new ones on a schema or table.To download:https://www.dropbox.com/s/fku4hf082xah1bm/gather_stats.sh?dl=0 This script is part of the database administration bundle, to know more about this bundle please visit:http://dba-tips.blogspot.ae/2014/02/oracle-database-administration-scripts.html How it works:Once you execute the script it will ask you to select the database you want to run […]