For how long you will keep googling each time you try to import data into an Oracle database? In fact, I was doing the same too, because it’s not easy to deal with a tool such as impdp, but the good news, is that a new script is now ready to make your life easier […]
Script to Monitor and Report Audit Trail Records in sys.aud$
Script Description: This script monitors the major audit trail records and failed login attempts, it can be easily deployed and customized. So far, it has been tested on Linux Environment. Script Category: Auditing & Security How it works: You have to schedule this script to run in the OS scheduler “crontab”, you can decide […]
dbalarm Script Updated!
I’ve added one more feature to the system monitoring script dbalarm to monitor the inodes number on each mounted filesystem on the system to provide an early warning before the inodes number get exhausted. I’ve published one post explaining the impact of getting inodes number exhausted: To download the final version of dbalarm script: […]
New Shell Script For Exporting Data on Oracle
Download link: Introduction: Few years back I’ve shared a script to export data on Oracle DB, it was lacking some features like exporting multiple tables/schemas, excluding schemas from Full Export mode or excluding tables from Schema Export mode. The new script I’m sharing in this post is coming with the following new features: – […]
Rebuild Table Online Script And Claim Space In Oracle
Yet another script! This script can rebuild a table and its indexes easily and safely (with minimal downtime as possible) based on the available features on your current Oracle version/edition. Although I’m reluctant to share scripts that deal with data directly, I thought it would be helpful for DBAs if it’s used wisely! Before you […]
Database Health Check Script Is Now HTMLized
The HTMLization campaign continues on the DBA Bundle scripts as I received enormous requests asking to make the scripts send the email alerts/reports in HTML format, I understand that HTML format E-mails are more friendly to read especially from mobile phones. The script will now automatically check if your machine has the required package “sendmail package” […]
Database Monitoring Script Is Now HTMLized
Now dbalarm script for database and server monitoring has its vast majority E-mail alerts in HTML format. This will give the E-mail alerts a friendly look when you check them from your mobile. For instance, instead of receiving a locked session E-mail alert in TEXT format like this: You will receive the E-mail alert in […]
360 Degree Database Server Monitoring Script For Oracle
Do you have a Linux server with a critical Oracle database running on it? Are you tired of searching google for a free script that can fully monitor that server in one go? If your answer is Yes, then this article was written for you. Bring yourself a cup of tea and read this article […]
Monitoring Failed RMAN Backup Jobs in dbalarm Shell Script
dbalarm script is now capable of monitoring RMAN backup failures. Just make sure to adjust the interval of the following parameter (in minutes) to the same execution interval of in your crontab. e.g. If you are scheduling script to run every 5 minutes in the crontab, the following parameter should be set to 5LAST_MIN_BKP_CHK=5 […]
Linux Shell Script To Monitor and Report GoldenGate Lag
This script can monitor GoldenGate lag whenever it happens based on the per-defined LAG threshold inside the script. It’s highly recommended to deploy this script on all (source & destination) replication servers in order to detect the lag on all processes (Extract, Pump, and Replicate). This script is not designed to monitor the replicated data inside […]