Linux Security Hardening Checklist

Nowadays, the vast majority of database servers are running on Linux platform, it’s crucial to follow the security guidelines in order to harden the security on Linux. In this post, I’m sharing the most common recommended security settings for securing Linux OS: These settings are categorized under the following main points: – General – Accounts […]

systemd: Unit awscsrdb.mount is bound to inactive unit dev-nvme8n1.device. Stopping, too

Problem: When trying to mount a volume using the following command nothing get mounted: # mount UUID=”364d1013-aa7c-4c27-8ce4-60af14577b3b” /awscsrdb But I found this error in /var/log/messages:   Analysis: After the storage admin cleaned up and deleted some volumes on the same server, I was unable to mount the above mentioned volume, due to the scramble of […]

Gather Statistics Shell Script Can Now Run In nohup Mode | Oracle On Linux

I’ve re-coded the gather statistics shell script for Oracle to run in nohup mode by default, thereby allowing the DBA to close the session without interrupting the gather statistics operation. Script download link: For more details on how to use the script, please visit the original post: And here is the GitHub version:

Easy Way to Configure VNC Server On Linux

Make sure that VNCserver package is already installed: # rpm -qa | grep vnc-server vnc-server-4.1.2-14.el5_6.6 If not installed: Download the latest version of VNC server from this link: Note: Server Free Edition has no security feature available. Install VNC server on your server: # rpm -Uvh VNC-Server-5.2.0-Linux-x64.rpm  Modify the VNC config file: # vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers […]

How To Calculate Your Network Bandwidth Speed

There is a great software called IPERF you can easily use it for testing the network bandwidth speed. Why IPERF is a great software to test bandwidth speed: Testing you network speed by copying a file between two machines is not an accurate way, because there are many factors like (Disk I/Os,memory delays,OS delays) can […]