DBA Bundle V6.0

The 6th version of DBA Bundle is now available: https://www.dropbox.com/s/llj0n4qr4puyinp/DBA_BUNDLE6.tar?dl=0 After opening the link click on the Down Arrow on the right side:   The new features include: sql_tune.sql script can display the SQL PLAN BASELINE Details for SQL statement. It allows the user to fix an EXECUTION PLAN by creating a new BASELINE. Also […]


September’s release of the DBA Bundle is now available: (It’s a combination of Aug+Sep releases) https://www.dropbox.com/s/k96rl0f4g39ukih/DBA_BUNDLE5.tar?dl=0 The new features include: dbdailychk.sh [For generating a database Health Check Report]: – Added Memory utilization check feature, combining both RAM and SWAP in the calculation: The following parameters need to be edited by the user to match the […]

DBA Bundle V5.7

The July release of DBA Bundle is now available: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k96rl0f4g39ukih/DBA_BUNDLE5.tar?dl=0 The new features include: – Adding Execution Plan History and enhancing the output formatting for sql_id_details.sh script for showing the details/execution plan/history of a SQL statement. – Enhanced locating listener’s log and bdump logs in oracle_cleanup.sh for cleaning DB logs. – Enhanced the check of […]


New features in Bundle 5.6 export_data.sh script: For exporting data has been completely re-coded to come with the following new features: – Execution of the export will run in the background “nohup mode”. – Ability to exclude multiple schemas and tables from Full Database Export mode. – You can provide multiple schemas to export in […]

DBA Bundle V5.5

The latest version of DBA BUNDLE V5.5 is now ready, you can download it from here:https://www.dropbox.com/s/k96rl0f4g39ukih/DBA_BUNDLE5.tar?dl=0 The complete post:http://dba-tips.blogspot.com/2014/02/oracle-database-administration-scripts.html

DBA Bundle 5.4 Is Ready

DBA Bundle V5.4 is now available in this link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/k96rl0f4g39ukih/DBA_BUNDLE5.tar?dl=0 The following are the new features:– Excluding +APX DB (>=12.2) from the DB list when bundle scripts get invoked.– Defaulting RMAN_full.sh & schedule_rman_full_bkp.sh scripts to create Full backup instead of Incremental 0 to avoid interfering with any existing backup policies.– Added Hard parsing command post to […]

DBA Bundle 5.3 Is Ready

DBA Bundle V5.3 is now available for download:https://www.dropbox.com/s/k96rl0f4g39ukih/DBA_BUNDLE5.tar?dl=0 It comes with the following features: – active_sessions.sh script that shows current active sessions on the DB will display the OS commands to PAUSE/RESUME/KILL a current running RMAN backup. – Bug fixes applied to the following scripts:RMAN_full.shdbdailychk.shdbalarm.shactive_sessions.shaliases_DBA_BUNDLE.sh If you are new to the DBA BUNDLE follow this link to […]

DBA Bundle 5.2

DBA Bundle V5.2 is now available for download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k96rl0f4g39ukih/DBA_BUNDLE5.tar?dl=0 It comes with the following features: – rebuild_table.sh has been totally re-developed to utilize ONLINE table rebuild features such as DBMS_REDEFINITION and ALTER TABLE MOVE ONLINE. Check this link for more details [https://dba-tips.blogspot.com/2019/05/rebuild-table-script-and-reclaim-wasted.html] – Added the reporting of the “Top Fragmented Tables” in the daily health check […]

DBA Bundle V5.1

The latest version of DBA Bundle is now available:https://www.dropbox.com/s/k96rl0f4g39ukih/DBA_BUNDLE5.tar?dl=0 Many awesome features added to the bundle including but not limited to: Database monitoring script [dbalarm] can now send most of the alerts in HTML format. Database Health Check script [dbdailychk] can now send the report in HTML format. Added more options to the audit script […]


DBA_BUNDLE5 is now available for download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k96rl0f4g39ukih/DBA_BUNDLE5.tar?dl=0 It comes with the Following new features: Database monitoring script [dbalarm] can perform the following additional tasks: Monitor ASM instance Alert log and report the errors. Monitor Grid Infrastructure Alert log and report errors and the following events: Shutdown/Startup events. Node eviction events. Network IP conflict. Heart Beat […]