The Duplicate of a standby DB fails with the following error:
ORA-32006: CLUSTER_DATABASE initialization parameter has been deprecated
ORA-39511: Start of CRS resource for instance ‘223’ failed with error:[CRS-5702: Resource ‘ora.asm’ is already running on ‘ORCLDR_N1’
CRS-0223: Resource ‘ora.asm’ has placement error.
clsr_start_resource:260 status:223
clsrapi_start_asm:start_asmdbs status:223
The database which is being created is already exist on the same host, or it was dropped manually but still having some trace files that triggers above error.
– If the database which is being restored is already exist then you should drop it first using DBCA which will take care of cleaning up all its files and resources from the Grid Infrastructure.
Note: DBCA is the only tool that can cleanly drop the databases that was created over an installed Grid Infrastructure, you shouldn’t use SQLPLUS nor RMAN for that job, otherwise the database related GI resources will remain exist.
– If the database which is being restored was deleted using SQLPLUS or RMAN, you still can cleanup the DB by following these steps:
– Run the following command to delete the DB if already registered with Grid Infrastructure:
srvctl remove database -db ORCLDR -force -verbose
– login to asmcmd console and delete all database related files including the spfile and the password file.
– delete all database related files under $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
– Remove database entry from /etc/oratab.